Post-Merger Integration Consulting
Mergers are appearing in today’s business world more frequently than ever before. Recent data indicate that less than half of all of them are successful. The stakes are exceedingly high for all sides - the future of the organisations and the professional careers of thousands of employees.
The unique and strategically combined port- folio of Menkyna & Partners services is focused on the third and fourth phase of the post-merger integration process - Human Resources Integration and Cultural Integration.
A systematic, strategic and highly-sensitive approach to Post-Merger Integration is vital to success, but hard to achieve given the complexity, size of task and emotional upheaval of a merger.
And this happens while the newly-merged company is most vulnerable to the competition and in danger of losing the best talent. Bringing in outside integration specialists can contribute enormously to a strengthened and effective post-merger integration. Our team members have themselves experienced the feeling of that most managers feel when acquiring or merging with pre-existing teams as well as being part of an acquired company.
“Culture and people are the vital links between the past and future, determining the success or failure of every post-merger integration.”